This is the ultimate service for those who, once and for all, want to learn everything about clothing, wardrobe, and personal style.

Women all over the world share your problem!
If the question “What should I wear?” leaves you staring at your closet’s contents without a glimmer of inspiration, it’s time to take an action!

Style isn’t about how much money you spend; it’s about choosing what’s right for you. But a lot of people just don’t know what factors to consider.
Now anyone can get the benefit of a personal stylist who teaches you how to make the right choices first time, every time. You’ll actually SAVE money.
Style is about quality, but it doesn’t have to be costly. A few wardrobe items can be combined to create a whole new look every time. But what’s the personal style that will be right for you?
Why not work with a professional stylist to find out?
Learn my simple style system:
To become a personal stylist, I completed several style certificate courses, took the best of everything I’d learned, and combined it into a unique system that makes absolute sense, and which has worked wonders for all my clients to date.
The system is based on the laws of visual perception, psychology, sociology, on the history of fashion and will last you a lifetime.
Remember the expression “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime”?
I’m going to teach you how to “fish”!
What does the system consist of:
We’ll work on these four building-blocks of style:

As a result, you will learn:

Never say “I’ve got nothing to wear!” ever again in your life
- Find out how to get clothes you love and look fabulous in no matter what your circumstances are.
- If your circumstances change, you will know how to adapt your wardrobe accordingly
- Have you landed your dream job? Lost or gained a little weight? Added a decade to your age?
- The style tips you’ll learn will see you through
After Yanina’s help, this has changed for the better! Now it’s fun to go to stores and try on different outfits, thanks to the superb shopping lists of what and where I should look for. I have learned how to dress up and down my clothes so they fit different occasions, which is a relief! Yanina has been there to answer questions and given many good tips. Definitely worth the money!
When you have decided that you want to develop your personal style, contact me.
Step 1. Preparation.
I need to understand your body shape in order to help you. That means sending me a few pictures of yourself in your underwear. Don’t worry! They will be kept absolutely confidential and will NEVER be posted or published anywhere. This is one of the reasons I don’t show portfolio images. My service is completely confidential, and you may be sure I’ll treat yours in the same way!
I will also ask you to fill in a questionnaire so that I can understand your lifestyle and needs. This is not a generic service. It is tailored to each individual.
Step 2. Online Meeting.
Then we set up a two-hour Skype (Zoom/Teams) meeting in which I will explain:
• How to dress your body
• How to choose the right underwear
• How to make the right impression.
• What textures, fabrics, cuts accessories and hairstyle to choose in different situations.
• How to create a wardrobe that works for you and your lifestyle.
• How to deal with trends so that you can maintain a modern look.
• We’ll determine your personal style and discuss how to develop it
Step 3. Follow Up.
After the consultation I will send you:
• All the materials that will help you to remember the information you will receive whenever you need it
• Several practical assignments that you will need to accomplish in order to get the results you want. Remember no practice equals no results.
• A list with recommended items for your basic wardrobe
• The Style Book that you can use to further develop your personal style
Step 4. Style Coaching.
Then we start step by step to implement all new knowledge for your life and wardrobe.
• We create an account on a private service where you can upload and comment on photos. I will ask you to photograph your clothes on you and upload them to this service.
After that we will be able to see:
• How your garments fit and whether they work for your body.
• Which are basic garments and which are “spices” and how we can combine them to create a maximum number of combinations. I will create “manuals” for you with different combinations that you will have to try on to see what you like.
• What garments are missing in your wardrobe. We will create a shopping list and I will help you find these garments.
• Garments and accessories in which styles are already in your wardrobe and which styles you want to add. How you can mix-n-match all the clothes in your wardrobe to create your truly unique personal style.
Click Here to see en example of how it may look
What you are going to need:
- A camera, and a device which can access the Internet
- Desire and motivation.
- Time. Assignments are technically easy but take some time to complete
This service is for you if:
This service is NOT for you if:
Think of it as an investment:
When you tell your friends you’re getting advice from a personal stylist, they might tell you that it’s sheer extravagance, but this service will actually save you money in the long run, and has a few added benefits too:
- Say goodbye to buying clothes you’ll never use, or will wear only once or twice
- You will be your own personal stylist for the rest of your life
- Save time, both when you decide what to wear and when you’re shopping
- The possibilities your new look may open up for you
- Your confidence – priceless!

Stop doing the same old things over and over again.
Don’t work for your wardrobe, let your wardrobe work for you!
5990 SEK (590 Euro / 650 USD)
We work together until you feel that you are fully skilled.
Contact me if you have any questions. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Together, we’ll create a brand new you and a picture-perfect look for any occasion.